CS11441 Virtual and Augmented Reality
Lesson Plan
The historical development of VR

2. Scientific landmarks Computer Graphics, Real-time computer graphics, Flight simulation, Virtual environments, Requirements for VR, benefits of Virtual reality.

3. Introduction and Application to Augmented Reality (AR)

4. Calibration and Registration

5. Pose Estimation and Tracking

6. Object Based Tracking

7. Face based Tracking, Foot based tracking
8. Model based Tracking, Object based tracking, Cylinder tracking

10. Computer Vision for AR

11. Applications of Deep Learning in AR

12. 3D Graphics in AR

13. Designing AR Systems

14. Multi Sensory AR
15. Developing AR Systems
16. Web based AR
17. Programming Augmented Reality using ARToolKit

18. AR Hardware

19. Introduction to Mobile AR

20. Web based Mobile AR
21. Web based Mobile AR
22. Developing Mobile AR Apps

23. Vuforia Spatial Toolbox